Happy New Year! Welcome 2023 ✨

Ifeoluwa Onifade
2 min readJan 2, 2023


The past year drained me. It also refreshed me.

Disclaimer: This is a religious post.

2022 was my first time dealing with loss. I lost a number of dear people to the cold hands of death, most notably my aunt and I don’t think I processed it fully or properly. 2022 was freaking tough; emotionally & mentally. And honestly, financially too.

To my friends and some family, I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there for you in ways you probably expected me to. It’s not because I didn’t want to, but showing up for myself everyday was struggle enough. Quite frankly, I had hoped and wished you noticed and showed up for me in some ways that I’m still learning to express. Thanks for still being here regardless; adulting is hard enough.

A bouquet of mostly pink and some white flowers.
Photo by Tatiana Parubenko on Unsplash

I’m so happy to have ended 2022 on a happy note. My biggest & brightest testimony: my mum completed her last chemo, and by His grace, is cancer-free forever 🥰💃🏾

To all the beautiful angels God sent me last year and has always been sending my way 🥺💫 I appreciate you. Some of the things I was able to do last year, still blows my mind.

A fairly popular person I follow on instagram, has a word of the year every year, and it’s something I’d like to try out this year. Firstly, because it is laying so heavily in my heart. Secondly, because throughout the rest of this year, I’d like to come back to this write-up during tough times and not, and just remember God’s promises.

Curiously, I have two words. The first, stronger and more recurring one is ASSURANCE. Assurance that I have all I need to proser and succeed all the days of my life. Assurance that God’s word is yeah and amen. Assurance that I no longer experience delays in any area of my life. Assurance that my life works only according to his plan for me, to bring me to my expected end.

My other sub-theme for this new year is ABUNDANCE. I live in abundance all throughout the year. Abundant finances, health, business, career, relationships and friendships. God has already shown this in 2022, and I can only dream of how mightily he will manifest this in 2023.

I look forward to good health/life, replenishment, prosperity and greater achievements in #2023 😇

God bless.



Ifeoluwa Onifade

I want to make a shit ton of money and have fun while doing it.